मुग लागवड #Agrownet™

by 𝗔𝗴𝗿𝗼𝘄𝗻𝗲𝘁™



In kharif season, green gram and urad are the second most important crops after turi. Since urad is a crop that comes in 70 to 75 days, it can also benefit from a little rain. Both these crops are very important for double and mixed cropping system.LandGreen gram and urad require medium to heavy, well drained soil. Avoid salty, loamy or very light soils that retain water.Pre-cultivationPlow the land before summer. It should be well heated and should be leveled as soon as the rains begin. Pick up the stalks. At the same time apply 5 tons of well decomposed manure per hectare.Sowing periodCrops should be sown between late June and first week of July. Late sowing reduces yield.